This is a picture of the trails at my backyard, there are ski trail but also trails made by the animals during the night, I really like how even if we are never there at the same time, there are evidences that we live in the same world, even if it doesn't look like it.

I made this image with the school camara canon eos rebel, the image have clear lines that move thro the space, the values get darker as more faraway things are, and the texture sharper. The trails give a strong rhythm to the image and also the idea of movement. This image is an informal balance with a heavy left side and a light right one.

It also have leading lines that came all together at the same spot.

My first print was really really light and then I decide to print it another one and leave it more time in the developer, making it darker and making it easier to see the details of the image.

This image represent how close animals and humans are, I also like it because it's also remembers me of nothic skiing, my winter sport, this is the first time that I'm doing it and I'm really engioning it.