In this images I don’t have a specific subject, most of them are portraits of familiars combinated with nature motives. The images were made over the summer in spontaneous occasions with my camera or my phone. In most of them I chose to create a irreal setting by inserting a ireal background, deforming the idea of space with a really different texture, but similar colors that give unity to the project.

I used informal and formal balances in my images and I think that that gives a sense of diversity that makes them more interesting. My project evolved a lot when I was editing the images, I had to change the saturation of some images to make them work with others.

There are a lot of images but all of them want to tell stories of a unreal word, a great example is the last one, in which a person is diving into the water where an boy is standing, that is physically impossible.

I took the images over this summer when I was on vacations, by reviewing them I wanted to make new images that tells different stories.