The inspired image that I created doesn't have a specific subject, it haves a lot of things going on at the same moment like in a lot of Levi’s shots, I was inspired by Bravo in the subjects, archeologists searching of the origins of their civilization, modern (the woman), poverty (the men in top of the woman) all of those are in the ruins of a civilization, like Bravo in mexico.

The image is arranged by a rule of thirds, with the heavy left third with the bird, the men and the women, and a more light central and right thirds. The process for creating the image was really long and with a lot of changes, I started by cutting parts of National Geographic magazines, I wanted to create a framed image but I cun’t find anything so I ended with the different parts of my collage but I didn’t really know how to arrange them so y started by gluing the background and then I tried colocate the rest of the images in a real space in the background, in the last step I puted the bird, that I think gives a sense of unity to all the image.

Then I had to make it black and white and invert it, with that final result I printed it in a transparent paper and I use it as my negative in the black room, I had to cut little parts of paper and tried in them the times in the chemicals etc, it was really hard finding the right one and it took me a lot of tests but at the end I did it and I obtain a full range of values.

As I said the differents parts of the image have different meanings, is related to my life because it was the first image that I made in the black room and I had a lot of fun in the process, if I had to change something I will try to make a framed image in the original collage.