The image’s subject it’s a frozen plant. I took it in my backyard with the school camara canon EOS rebel and then develop it in the dark room.

The lines going in different directions give an idea of movement and rhythm that wasn't really present in the original cenario, the different shapes that creates fill up the space and the different values contrast between each other creating pattern, I would say that is image has an informal balance from the top left corner, really light, to the bottom right corner , full of lines and confusion;

It's also a silhouette lighting because of the contra with the white snow.

This project took me a long time because I first started with a camera that didn’t work quite right, and I went through all the process and then I had to start over again, after having the right negatives it took me a long time to make a full print without processing mistakes because the developer was dirty and it was making weird spots in my images. I also crop the image by covering part of the paper when I was exposing it, I'm really happy with the final result.

I took this image during a weekend when I was playing with my little brother the snow was beautiful that the day and all the trees were all frozen, it represents the beauty of nature and how things without order, that are not perfect can be beautiful.