Scribble Drawing


At first the teacher asked us to draw a scribble in a white paper, then he collected the scribbles and repart them casually so each of as had a new scribble.

In the second phase of the work he asked us to draw using that scribble something that we did over the summer. In my case i draw my feelings and sensations when i was sealing in Spain, another requisite was to use any color except black (to be able to see the original scribble) in my case i use marchers and pencils.

I started by drawing the see in the bottom part of the scribble, because the shape of the scribble remind me to a wave, with the same method of associating shapes to elements that i remember from those days i drew the green mountains in the left side, the trees in the central part around the yellow sun and the grey wind. In the right I draw some birds flying in a red 000000 that represents the pace that i felt in that moment. At last in drew in the top of the page the see and a green island seen from the the perspective of a flying bird.

In my opinion the this project really gives the feelings that i was feeling back then, and that's the part that i am proudest of. An other part which i don't feel so proud about is the green island in the left top part, because i wanted the color to look uniform, and it doesn't. In the future I will try to avoid passing in the same spot when i'm using markers.