This image subject is my friend Edie, in the costume closet. I took it with my phone and I edit it with photos.

I wanted the color to be really brvrant so I brought up the saturation and contrast, but I also wanted to keep the different values of pink, so I didn't over doit. There are different textures that contrast with each other making the image more interesting, staying being in the same coor, what in my opinion gives it unity.

The image is a formal balance and a selective focus that makes the viewer focus in Edie. I cropped other objects that could distract the viewer.

I took this picture during a one act rehearsal. I’m in costumes so we spend a lot of time with clothes of different colors so I knew how I wanted to set it up. I told Edie what to where and where to stand, and I took the picture. I’m pretty happy with the final result.