The assignment for this project was to create a 5 different prints with the same linocut negative. The subject of mine was my host frother in a church in Quebec. I posterize a picture of him that I took and than I copied it in a linocut (negative) and printed it in different backgrounds. I used Block/Plate, Brayer, Baren, Proof, Lino Cutter, Nibs, Bench hook and a Printing Press.

The prints have color in the background but the print itself is black. The different forms make up the image contrasting with the background. After the first print I had to change some things in my negative that I forgot to curve.

The meaning behind the map print is about the future, and the world. Henry is looking amazed to the world and the future and the kid is shoing him how big it is. I'm really proud of how I put the print in the right side of the image so you cans see the boy in the background. I struggle with putting the right amount of ink, I overcome my struggle by painting the spots were the inc did not’ get.