Superpower (noun):

a skill, personal trait, or passion that plays an important role in your life, helps you do good

in the world, and makes you feel special, happy, and confident.

Reading is a Superpower...

is the theme of the Spring 2021 Children's Book Council, an award-winning non-profit organization that celebrates the powerful impact books have on young people.

Along with the Library of Congress, they sponsor The National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature. The current ambassador is writer Jason Reynolds.

Next, check out their Children’s & Teen Choice Book Awards or click below on to find athletes, singers, famous authors, and other celebrity role models "get caught" reading a favorite book.

Get Caught Reading...

This link features athletes, singers, famous authors, and other celebrity role models reading a favorite book of theirs.

Here author Shani King shares his book Have I Ever Told You Black Lives Matter (Tilbury House Publishers, Jan. 2021; illustrated by Bobby C. Martin Jr.).

This nonfiction book provides historical and contemporary mini biographies of African American accomplishments

Shani Mahiri King, is a law professor at the University of Florida. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he is a writer and scholar in the area of children’s rights and family law.

Superpower Challenge

People have many superpowers in their lives.

Let the theme of Reading As A Superpower inspire you to take the Superpower Challenge!

Discover a new passion or reaffirm a current interest by exploring the many activities below.

Superpower Activities

Which Superpower Activities look challenging to you?

Which ones look like fun? Which ones encourage you to try something totally new and different?

Click on each section below for detailed activities and book lists.

STEM and Science

Social Activism

The Arts

Community Engagement

Identity and Culture

Environment and Climate

The Humanities

Physical Fitness and Sports

Mental Health and Wellness

Superpower Inspiration

Jason Reynolds

Jason Reynolds, current National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature and author of Look Both Ways, shares his superpower with you!

“My superpower is… finding the superpower in others. I’m like the superhero doctor.”

Gene Luen Yang

Gene Yang, National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature (2016-2017) and author/illustrator of American Born Chinese!

Mo Willems

Mo Willems, author/illustrator of The Pigeon HAS to Go to School.

“Strong of spine & adequate of binding! Always there for you! I am BOOK!”