Degree Course Choice


There are are lots of things you can consider to help you with choosing a degree. These could include your favourite subjects, your hobbies/interests, your passions or your career aspiration. Check out this video for some more helpful tips...

Linking your subjects to degree courses

As mentioned earlier, one way to choose a degree subject is to link it to the subjects you are studying now. There are two great tools to help you do this:


Log into Unifrog and click on the "Subjects Library" box, then scroll down and enter your subjects (if you are a vocational learner, choose some of your favourite subjects from your course) and click "Go". You will then see a list of degree subjects to explore.

Click HERE to visit Unifrog, remember to have your log in ID and password ready.

2) The University Guide

This website is a great resource as it will help you produce a list of degree courses and jobs related to your A level subjects, click HERE to visit their website. If you are not studying A levels, then you can input your favourite subjects from your existing course.

NEXT, watch Steph's video...

A student's story ...

Watch this video to hear how Steph chose her degree course.

What do I want in a degree course?

  • Having completed the previous activities now might be a good opportunity to write down your thoughts about what you might want in a degree course. The following questionnaire asks you some key questions to get you thinking about your preferences and once completed you can use this to compare potential courses with your own preferences.

  • Click here to compete the questionnaire (a copy will be sent to the email you enter into the questionnaire).

Searching for degree courses

  • Hopefully, what you have read so far has given you some idea of the subjects you may want to study at degree level. You don't have to be specific, just having ideas is enough at this stage. Using these ideas you can now search for courses, there are thousands of degree courses with all sorts of subject combinations. So a good starting point is to search for any subject that interests you. To do this UCAS is the "go to" website as it can search for any degree course offered in the UK. click here to visit the website and start searching.

I know what subject I want to study, what do I do?

  • If you know what you want to study at university then Unifrog is a great website to help you do your research and make choices regarding courses.

  • It works by asking you to enter your A level or vocational course subjects, then enter your degree subject and based on this produces a list of courses categorised in three ways:

    • Aspirational (these are courses that you could aspire to if you improved your grades),

    • Solid (if you achieve your predicted grades)

    • Safe (if you achieve lower grades than predicted).

  • The website also allows you to find out more information about degree courses and universities, enables you to compare and contrast those that interest you, and so is great for helping you to decide which five degree courses you will enter into your UCAS application form.

  • Click here to go to the UNFROG website and use the login ID and password that was emailed to your student email account by Unifrog at the start of term.