The Gatsby Careers Benchmarks

FIRST, watch the video, then read about the Gatsby Benchmarks ...


All colleges and schools must have a careers policy and careers programme.

Students need to learn about job information e.g how many jobs are there locally, what jobs will be available in the future, salary, qualifications required, etc.

Students'  careers learning should be relevant to them.

Students need to know about the career/job pathways that link to their course.

All students need to interact with employers/employees through employer visits, employer webinars, or visits to an employer's premises.

All learners should experience the work place.

All learners should know their options once they complete their course including further college courses, apprenticeships or university degrees. 

All learners should have the opportunity for at least one 1:1 careers guidance appointment delivered by a level 6, impartial careers professional.