Voluntary, Work Experience and Gap Year


If you ask an employer what is the one thing they would like job applicants to have, they are very likely to say relevant experience. But we know that for young people getting this experience is very difficult. This is where work experience, volunteering or gap year experience comes in as it is a great to develop your experience and add it to your CV.

OK, it is more than likely to unpaid; but it offers a way to break into the work of work, a way to start your career, something to add to your CV and can be essential for some job sectors e.g. being a runner to break in to TV/films, for the environment sector or for the charity sector.

Use the sections below to find out whether it is work experience, voluntary work or a gap year that you need, and how to go about doing this.


Petroc has plans to develop work experience opportunities with local employers so that Petroc learners have a chance of gaining experience in the workplace. This might be built into your course, but if it isn't or you want to do more, then these are your options:

Look at Petroc's Job Shop website for opportunities, filter by "work experience".

You can also check out these websites:


This is a great way to gain valuable experience but also give something back to the community you are volunteering for. Voluntary work is essential for some careers such as those in the environment or charity sector.

To find out more about volunteering click on the following websites:

Look at Petroc's Job Shop website for opportunities, filter by "voluntary".


Traditionally gap years were taken between college and university, but now people are taking gap years at different points in their careers e.g. after university and also mid-career.

You could create your own gap year (with a friend maybe?) by deciding the time length you want to be away, and planning where you want to go. But the important thing is to make sure you have done something constructive e.g. working part-time in a foreign country, doing a short period of voluntary work or teaching English as a foreign language.

Or you could sign up for an organised gap year where the voluntary work is arranged for you (but there is normally a cost for this).

For more information click on the links below:

    • BUNAC - Work and travel abroad

    • The Leap - for organised activities (there are significant fees).

(ND: there other gap year organisations, please do an internet search for "gap year")