HE Careers Induction

Welcome to the Careers Induction training pages for staff teaching at HE level.

This training will take you through Petroc's careers policy and careers programme, and will also describe the services offered by Petroc's Careers Service including how to refer students for 1:1 careers coaching.

The training touches on, but does not go into any depth, the careers and employability requirements for the following HE quality frameworks:

1) Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF)

2) Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)

NB: The training also describes the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. These are directly relevant to those teaching or working with FE level students, however, it is useful to be aware of them as they provide a useful framework to developing an holistic careers and employability programme for students studying at HE level.


1) Petroc's Careers Policy

2) The Gatsby Benchmarks

3) Careers and Quality at HE level

4) Careers Triage and Referral

5) Careers Contacts