Petroc's Careers Policy


Petroc's Careers Policy has been written following government statutory guidelines to ensure that the college meets it's legal obligations in relation to careers support for students.

The policy's content also takes into account other important careers-related regulatory requirements from Ofsted's EIF handbook and the Skills white paper.   

The policy is a requirement of the Gatsby Benchmarks (GB) and ensures the college meets GB#1 (you will learn more about the Gatsby Benchmarks later in the training). 

You do not need to know the policy contents in detail, but the following overview is important... 

Careers Policy - What do HE Academic Staff Need to Know?

Petroc has adopted a whole college approach to careers guidance. In practise this mean that any staff being presented with a careers query by a student should be able to either deal with that enquiry, or if not, know where to refer the student. This training will give you the skills to do this. 

Although it is unlikely that you will need to know these in detail, it will be important for you to know what they are. These are covered later in the training.

It is not expected that you become careers experts. In fact, only staff trained to level 6 in careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG)  should be providing careers advice and guidance to students.  However, you should have the knowledge to be able to signpost a student to the resource that best suits their careers needs. This could be paper-based, digital or a member of staff. Again, this training will cover this.

Talking to parents/carers of Petroc students can be a fairly common occurrence (depending upon your job role). Being able to support them with their careers-related queries, or providing them with careers information so they can support their young person, is important. This training will take you through how to sign-post parents/carers to relevant careers information or support.

If you come into contact with employers or employees as part of your job, and they want to work with the college in some way such as advertising a vacancy, offer a tour of their premises, deliver a presentation or offer work experience; then you will need to know who to direct them to.

Knowing to whom to refer students, parents or employers to will be important, and you will know this by the end of this training.

Read the Petroc's Careers Policy in full.