Careers Induction for new staff


This training will take you through Petroc's whole-college approach to providing its students with careers support. 

All student-facing staff should be able to help, to varying degrees, a student with their careers query. This could be as basic as signposting to a careers resource or careers staff; or it could be slightly more in-depth such as 1-1 support. The level to which you provide careers support will vary between job roles.

This self-directed training session will provide you with all the knowledge you need to support Petroc students with their careers enquiry in the best way possible.

For Business Support staff the session will take around 30 minutes to complete.

For Academic staff the session will take around 60 minutes to complete.


Petroc's careers support consists of two elements, a careers policy and a careers programme. 

The policy describes what the college will do to provide careers support to its students, and its legal obligations in respect of this. 

The careers programme details how this will happen, who will deliver it and when; it also contains a calendar of cross-college careers activities that take place over an academic year. 

This training will take you through the policy, programme and calendar to varying degrees depending upon your role in the college. 

The last part of the training will give you an opportunity to try out some of the resources referred to in the training.

To start your training, click on the most relevant button below ...