You want to return to study

Because it is unclear when apprenticeship job vacancies will recover to their usual numbers, returning to study is a good fall back plan.

  • 18 or under on the 31st August?

If yes, you could apply for a fully funded full-time course. This could be a 1 year course or a 2 year course at level 1, 2 or 3 (depending upon your GCSE grades).

    • Course search

      • Search for courses by clicking on the "School Leavers" option on Petroc's website.

    • Funding and Transport

      • To find out more about transport and funding you may be eligible for click funding and transport.

  • 19 or over on the 31st August?

If yes, you could apply for a post-19 course. Search for courses by clicking here for further education courses, or here for higher education courses.

Funding: these courses can be funded either through an Advanced Learner Loan (for further education courses), a student loan (for higher education courses), college funding (FE) or paying for it yourself. For more information click here.