1:1 Careers Triage and Referral Process


As Petroc is taking a whole-college approach to supporting students with their careers queries, there may come a time when a student asks you for careers support, or you identify that a student needs careers support.

It is therefore important that you know which resources to use and how to refer a student to the appropriate staff.

The following sections will take you through how best to deal with a range of enquiries.


  1. Student Enquiry

  2. Parent/Carer Enquiry

  3. School Pupil enquiry

  4. Employer Enquiry

  5. Careers Staff Contacts

Student Enquiries

Remember ...

It is not expected that you become a careers expert, or that you spend a lot of time helping a student to resolve their careers enquiry. The expectation is that you are able to signpost the student to the correct resource.


If you are dealing with a student careers enquiry and the student is with you, then you can do one of three things:

  1. if there is time you could look on the Staff section of Careers Central to see if you can help the student find the right resource.

  2. if not, and it is appropriate to do so, you can show the student where to find the information themselves by showing them the Student section of Careers Central.

  3. Sometimes a careers enquiry can't be dealt by providing information or by sign-posting to a careers resource, and the student needs a 1:1 careers guidance appointment.

To refer a student for 1:1 careers guidance please don't phone or email, but instead use the referral form on the staff page of Careers Central. This provides the careers coach with important information about the student that is crucial to providing high quality careers guidance.

To do this click on the Refer a Student button which will take you through the referral process.

By phone, email or social media

You can direct them to the careers page on the Petroc website.

Parent Enquiry

Enquiries from student's parents can be dealt with in the following ways:

  • Course information - if their query is quite technical such as timetabling, expected grades, absences, qualifications etc; then they should be directed to the course teacher.

  • Course enquiries - if the parent wants to know about the range of courses Petroc has to offer, they should be sign-posted to the Advice and Guidance Team.

  • Course withdrawal - in the first instance this should be directed to the course teacher. If the parent wants to know what options their young person has, they can be referred for a careers guidance appointment.

  • Career planning - if the parent wants to support their young person with the career planning once their course has completed, they can be directed to the careers page on Petroc's website.

  • Options - if they are interested in finding out about their options for their young person once they have finished their course, they should be directed to the careers page on Petroc's website.

School Pupil Enquiry

Enquiries from pupil's at local Devon schools, or even schools from out of area, can be dealt with in the following ways:

  • Course information - if the pupil is looking for course information such as entry requirements or course details, they can be directed to the Advice and Guidance Centre.

  • Decision Making - if the pupil is unsure of which course to choose, or wants to know which course to take to fulfil their career ambition then they can be referred for careers guidance by directing them to the careers page on Petroc's website.


Should an employer contact you, or you are working with an employer, and they are interested in one of the following:

  • advertising a job vacancy

  • offering work experience to students

  • delivering a presentation to students

  • attending a careers fair

Then direct them to the careers page of the Petroc website and also Petroc's Job Shop website.

Next you will have the opportunity to become familiar with the key careers resources that are available to Petroc's clients, please click on the button below to start...