Petroc's Careers Programme


This part of the training will take you through the key aspects of Petroc's Careers Programme that relates to Business Support staff.

The careers programme is a requirement of the Gatsby Benchmarks (GB#1), and incorporates a wide variety of careers activity that ensures Petroc meets the eight Gatsby Benchmarks (you will learn more about the Gatsby Benchmarks later in the training). This is delivered across the college and includes 1:1 careers guidance, teaching careers in the curriculum, careers fairs, careers workshops, employer career activities and many more.

The Gatsby Benchmark that is particularly relevant to Business Support staff is Personal Guidance (8), which for Petroc, relates the the Careers Service. 

Careers activity that relates to the other benchmarks is subsumed within the curriculum and the tutorial programme; and is less relevant to Business Support staff.

Petroc's Careers Service

Petroc's careers service is delivered by level 6 trained impartial careers coaches, and links directly to Gatsby Benchmark 8. The service is just one part of Petroc's overall Careers Programme and is accessible at all three campuses:

The careers service comprises the following four services:

1) Careers information, advice and guidance appointments

1:1 careers guidance appointments are delivered by Petroc's career coaches who are trained to level 6 in careers information, advice and guidance.  They provide an impartial and non-judgemental service, meaning that although they are employed by Petroc, they can discuss opportunities elsewhere.

1:1 appointment s are 30 minutes' long and can be offered to all Petroc students, potential students and year 10 and 11 school pupils.

Adults who want general careers advice can be referred to Petroc's Careers Service, but they may be referred on to the National Careers Service.

1:1 careers appointments are available at all campuses either in-person, or by video, phone or email; to see details of when and where, visit the careers page on Petroc's website (see below).

2) Careers Information and Resources

Petroc has a range of careers resources that can be accessed 24/7 by students and staff. You will have an opportunity to look at the resources on the next page, but before then please read through the following information:

Careers Page on Petroc's Website (digital)

A good starting point for any careers query, whether it's from a school pupil, student, a parent or an employer, is to visit the careers page on Petroc's website. It contains detailed information on how to access careers support for all these groups.

Careers Central (digital)

If you are dealing with a Petroc student who has a careers query, then the best starting point is Careers Central. Careers Central has sections: Staff, Petroc Students, Parents and Employers; and  contains a huge range of careers resources and acts as a launch pad to other careers resources.

Unifrog (digital)

This website is just for Petroc students and staff. A log-in and password is needed to access it, and this will have been emailed to students and relevant staff at the beginning of the academic year. Not all staff will have been given a log-in, but if you feel you need one then please contact Sarah Samuels at . It contains a huge range of university and careers resources.

UCAS Online lesson (digital

This online lesson will take students through the UCAS application process from start to finish and includes quizzes to test students' learning. 

The Job Shop

This is Petroc's job vacancy advertising website. Employers can advertise vacancies including part-time, seasonal, voluntary, work experience, apprenticeships and full-time. 

An employer can submit details of their vacancies (or multiple vacancies) into a Google form which they can access from the careers page on the Petroc website. 

Post-16 Options (digital)

This is aimed at year 10 and 11 school pupils. It will take them step by step through how to make a decision about the post-16 option. It can be accessed from the careers page on the Petroc website. 

Careers Top Tips (paper and digital)

A series of 18 double sided A4 sheets, providing information and advice on a wide range of topics such as CV writing, interview skills, UCAS personal statements and much more. 

Paper copies are available in the Advice and Guidance in North Devon, the Job Shop in Mid Devon and the student common room in Brannams. 

Also available as PDFs in the staff and student sections on Careers Central.

University prospectuses (paper)

A small selection is kept in stock on each campus from universities from all over the country.

Careers Workshops

The careers coaches deliver a range of careers workshops to students as either stand-alone activities or as part of the curriculum. Careers Central explains this in more detail.  

Careers Events

During the academic year a number of careers activities and events will be organised and delivered by the Careers Service. For more detail on these visit the college's Careers Calendar (see below). Some of the annual events to be aware of include 


Careers Calendar

Petroc's careers calendar is updated annually and contains the careers activities that are available to school pupils, college students, parents and employers throughout the academic year. 

To view the calendar of careers events/activities that will take place over the 2023/24 academic year click here.

Careers Programme

To view Petroc's full Careers Programme click here