Trino Morales

Trino Morales

Trino Morales is a Colombian and a member of the indigenous group Misak (Guambiano). He is a social leader who had spend his life working in the land and fighting for indigenous rights. Although he did not study law, he bought some books about Colombian law, which he read and used to defend the rights of his community. The people around him called him "Doctor" and "lawyer" but he asked them to call him by his first name.

He was the secretary of indigenous issues of in the independent indigenous organization Línea Sincelejo. He participated in the creation of two indigenous organizations: Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (Cric)-Departamental level-, and later on, of the Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (Onic)-National level-. He was President of the last one in repeated occasions.

He fled the country due to threats to his life during the Turbay repression (1978-1982) against opposition groups. But after two months, he came back to his community.

During his teenage years, he left his family to study in the capital where he was bullied and opressed on his catholic school. He talked about this in his book: ¡A mí no me manda nadie!

-Article about him:

-Book about his life: ¡A mí no me manda nadie!: