
URISE Trainees have two types of mentors: Research Mentors & Career Mentors.

Research Mentors

The Mentor in your Research Learning Community (RLC). 

Career Mentors

A Faculty Mentor at PSU or OHSU.

URISE has matched you with a Career Mentor. If you are unsure of who your Career Mentor is or have not been matched please email Kay Logan (

Career Mentoring Requirement

Requirement: One meeting per term.

Career Mentors can be busy, the requirement is that you initiate a meeting each month. Please note any attempts to schedule meetings on your Quarterly Progress Report.

Tips for Communicating with Faculty

Be professional and diplomatic. Write emails with proper grammar and punctuation, come to meetings with questions ready, and consider how you want to be perceived. In meetings, don’t wear sunglasses or earphones or check your cell phone for unrelated matters. Be prepared to accept constructive criticism in a professional manner.

Know that our faculty want you to be successful. If you notice feeling hesitant to reach out, remember that you are here to learn and you have valuable insights. If you are wondering about something, chances are you are not the only one, so ask questions often and early.

Prepare before meetings. To get the most out of your mutual time, review notes and write down your specific questions. This will help you feel more comfortable, and the faculty member will appreciate your organization.