Financial Support

URISE trainees receive four types of financial support:

Information on each type of financial support is included on the pages linked above.

Program Year 1: Financial Support Presentation, 2024

Outside Employment

Participating in Other Undergraduate Research Training Programs

As the opportunities for undergraduate research at PSU grow, it is vital that you check with URISE prior to applying for other undergraduate research training programs at PSU. 

Refer to the Overlapping Research or Employment Opportunities to learn about other research opportunities at PSU and OHSU, and how your URISE Traineeship impacts your ability to receive funding from other research programs, including McNair, EAGLES, the OHSU Equity Program, and part-time employment in a lab at PSU or OHSU.

Financial Support Policies

URISE Trainees are prohibited from receiving financial support from another federal source while on URISE's Trainee Appointment. This includes stipends from other federally-sponsored programs (such as McNair, NSF REUs, LSAMP, etc.). If you would like to join another research program while you are a URISE Trainee, please reach out to URISE (  to discuss this with the URISE team.

Other Remissions

URISE Trainees may participate in programs that provide tuition remission (DMSS, Honors, etc.). If a URISE Trainee also receives remission from another source, URISE will work with that program to determine how remission will be split between the two programs. 

URISE Trainees who have financial support through the GI bill will not receive any URISE tuition remission, as their tuition is fully covered by the GI bill.

NIH Policy: Stipend Supplementation

Recipients may supplement stipends from non-Federal funds provided the supplementation is without any additional obligation for the trainee. For full policy, see "Stipend Supplementation, under NIH Policy

NIH Policy: Compensation

NIH recognizes that student or postdoctoral trainees may seek part-time employment coincidental to their training program to further offset their expenses. Fellows and trainees may spend on average, an additional 25% of their time (e.g., 10 hours per week) in part time research, teaching, or clinical employment, so long as those activities do not interfere with, or lengthen, the duration of their NRSA training. For full policy, see "Compensation," under NIH Policy

NIH Policy: Concurrent Benefits

An individual may not receive support under a Kirschstein-NRSA institutional research training grant concurrently with another federally sponsored fellowship or similar Federal or non-Federal award that provides a stipend or otherwise duplicates provisions of the Kirschstein-NRSA award. See "Concurrent Benefits" under NIH Policy

NIH Policy: Educational Loans or GI Bill

An individual may accept concurrent educational remuneration from the VA (GI Bill) and Federal educational loan funds. Such funds are not considered supplementation or compensation. For full policy, see "Other Income: Educational Loans or GI Bill" under NIH Policy