Research Mentor Resources

Thank you for hosting URISE Trainees in your lab. The Research Experience they receive in your lab is instrumental to their personal, professional, and academic growth. On this page you will find many resources designed to assist you in the management of your URISE Trainees. If you have questions or need assistance, please email Dr. Shandee Dixon (, URISE Co-Investigator & RLC Coordinator.

program description & objectives

The mission of URISE (Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement) at PSU is to recruit, train, and mentor students from historically underrepresented groups to continue biomedical research training. URISE Trainees are undergraduates who are committed to pursuing advanced education,research training, and a research career in a biomedical, behavioral, social, clinical, or translational field. 

The overall objective of URISE at PSU is to increase diversity in the biomedical research workforce by providing an effective undergraduate research training program for underrepresented students and by promoting equity and inclusion in undergraduate research opportunities and experiences.

Objective 1

Integrate evidence-based practices into a comprehensive and cohesive research training experience for students traditionally underrepresented in biomedical research that will promote the development of:

Objective 2

Provide leadership in advancing institutional initiatives to enhance diversity and equity in undergraduate research opportunities and experiences by promoting the development of:

Program Overview

summer 1

Trainees will: 

Mentors will: 

program year 1

Trainees will:

Mentors will:

summer 2 

summer research experience

One of the unique features of the URISE program is the opportunity for Trainees to spend their second summer in the program in an 8- to 10-week Summer Research Experience (SRE) at a research-intensive institution. 

The Summer Research Experience can also occur at OHSU within a Trainee's RLC or elsewhere at OHSU if the Trainee desires a different experience for their second summer in the program.

Extensive information about the SRE is available here: 

program year 2

Trainees will: 

Financial Support

URISE Trainees receive four types of financial support:* 

*As long as they remain eligible for the program

Program Year 1

During Trainees' first year in URISE, URISE Faculty would like Trainees to attend ABRCMS together. ABRCMS is an excellent professional development experience for undergraduates and is a great way for Trainees to build connections and ideas for their Summer Research Experience (SRE) and graduate school.

If you would like to have your Trainee attend a different conference during their first year in URISE, please let URISE Co-Investigator, Shandee Dixon ( know. 

Program year 2

During Trainees' second year, URISE Trainees should attend a scientific conference with their RLC. The goal of this conference is to have Trainees present their research. 

Monthly Reporting Forms (MRFs)

About the MRF

When do hours count? (2024 Dates COMING SOON!)

CIMR 2023-2024 Monthly Reporting Form (Google Sheet Version)


OHSU URISE RLC MOU 2022-2023.pdf

URISE Memorandum of understanding

The URISE Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlines the responsibilities and agreements URISE RLCs. This MOU is here for your reference. If you have questions, reach out to Dr. Shandee Dixon (, URISE Co-Investigator and RLC Coordinator.

Need Assistance?

URISE Faculty and staff are here to facilitate successful research placements for URISE Trainees and mentors. If you ever run into a situation that is causing frustration or concern, please do not delay in reaching out to URISE faculty and staff: