Jeremy Mun Loong Lee
Title : Maharajah II
Medium : Soft Pastel on Uart
Size : 24 x 18 Inches
Inspiration : Live portraiture session - Indian dancer
Series : Cultural (Budaya)
Date Complete : 10th August 2020
Title : High Flying Couture!
Medium : Soft Pastel on Canson Mi-Tientes Touch board
Size : 22 x 31 inches
Description : The irony but also the reality of daily Venetian lifestyle behind the scene versus the high fashion hub/nation, well at least near enough to it's neighboring mainland city - Milan. This scene of the laundry over a canal caught my eyes as I was crossing a pedestrian bridge (Ponte). It is one of the magnificent cities (sadly a sinking city at a very fast rate) that I was compelled to revisit before it is gone - hopefully this would never happen. Thus you could see the individual buildings are actually tilting at varying degree and directions!
Date Completed : 12 Jan 2020
Awards : Honorable mention - Monet Café Challenge (January 2020)
Artist Statement/Bio
My art attests to my journey as an eclectic artist – diverse, experimental, always evolving, balancing the classics with progressive styles. Through my art, I hope to share personal flavor of color and emotion, in drawing beauty out of the mundane, in tracing the movement amidst stillness, and in capturing immortality from the fleeting.