photo of Emily Thompson

Emily Thompson

Portrait of Joan by Emily Thompson

Portrait of Joan

9x11 Soft Pastel


Path Through the Woods by Emily Thompson

Path Through the Woods

8x10 Soft Pastel


Artist Statemen/Bio

Emily Thompson studied art with Joseph Fitzpatrick at The Carnegie in Pittsburgh, and with New Orleans designer, Frances Coleman. She worked on properties design at the American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco. Thompson is the daughter of San Francisco Bay Area artist, Zoe Thompson.

Ms Thompson is the author of “Basics of Art and the Elements of Design”, and teaches art privately to young artists and adults, and through Central Carolina Community College.

For ten nearly years, Ms Thompson was Director of Arts Programs in Wiesbaden Germany for the U.S. Army, and she won several European and World Wide awards. She is a board member of the Pastel Society of North Carolina, and a member of the Sanford Brush and Palette Club. Ms Thompson is a multiple-award winning artist. She currently is the program coordinator for both the Pastel Society of NC and the Sanford Brush and Palette Club.

Ms Thompson lives with her husband, Ron, on a six-acre historical property outside of Siler City with three dogs, various cats and chickens.

919 663-2867