Assessment for Improving Learning

“Assessment in education must, first and foremost, serve the purpose of supporting learning” - Blake and William


Assessment for improving learning involves teachers and learners becoming partners in learning, helping teachers further develop the Knowledge, Skills, and Understanding of their learners. Formative assessment should take place regularly to allow for instructional adaptations, revised goal-setting, feedback, or even curriculum compacting. One of the greatest benefits of assessment for improving learning is that it helps to develop make metacognitive strategies that enable students to become more independent and committed learners. As a result of ongoing dialogue and feedback, students become more involved in their learning, and they can sink more actively about where they are now, where they are going and how they're going to get there. They are then able to close the gap between the current situation and where they aspire to be in their learning and achievement. 


An achievement grade is reported to students and parents by combining the grades received in three achievement categories: Knowledge, Skills, and Understanding.

Knowledge, Skills, and Understanding are sufficiently different to be taught, learned, and assessed differently.


Three learning habit categories are assessed and reported on separately from the achievement grade. The three categories are Organisation, Engagement, and Collaboration.