Food and Snacks

Panyaden International School provides healthy and nutritious snacks and lunches to ensure students have a balanced diet each day. All school lunches are prepared on-site with fresh, often organic, ingredients. Our lunch menu offers Thai and international options, and morning and afternoon snacks include fruit, sandwiches, and more. There is always a vegetarian option, and we use brown rice.

All students are expected to at least try everything on offer, even if only a tiny amount unless they have a food allergy or a particular dietary need. A vegetarian option is available for students who prefer this option - we ask that families contact to make this request. Students may return for second helpings. If you have concerns about your child’s eating habits or the food the school provides, please contact your child’s advisory teacher or the Secondary School Office.

Lunch and snacks are provided in the canteen. The school will provide lunch and snacks on outings and field trips.