Key Events at Panyaden


During the “Back-to-School” event at the start of the school year, families meet their child’s advisory teacher who will provide the necessary information for a smooth start to the school year.

The advisory teacher will hand out your child’s schedule, the “THINK about Technology” form and your child’s language selection form. Please return the completed forms to your child’s advisory teacher by the end of the event.

The advisory teacher will also guide parents in choosing a parent representative. Here are a few things parent representatives can do to support teachers:

  • Create a Line group for parents with children in the same classroom, if they don’t already have one, and add new parents when needed. The advisory teacher or other subject teachers will not be part of such Line groups.

  • Repeating or reinforcing messages coming from teachers, such as reminders to bring something to school for a particular day or activity.

  • Encourage parents to talk to teachers directly if they have any concerns.

  • Bring up to teachers concerns they know are shared by a number of parents

  • Participate in the Annual General Meeting once or twice a year and participate in the election of three parent representatives for the primary, two for the preschool section and two for the secondary section.

“Meet the Teacher”

Is usually held in the first month of the school year and provides an opportunity for parents to meet teachers from every subject area and the coordinators. You will be able to go through a shortened version of your child’s school day and meet all of their subject teachers.

Student-Involved Parent-Teacher Conferences

Student-involved parent-teacher conferences take place twice per school year. Once in Term 1 and once in Term 2. These conferences are designed to provide valuable insight into your child’s progress at school. Students should attend these conferences together with their parents. During student-involved parent-teacher conferences, students are also encouraged to share their digital growth portfolios and growth in the four areas of development, the Bhavana 4.

Parent Information Sessions and Workshops

High School Graduation

Year 9 Moving On Ceremony

Blossom Day

Is a celebration of learning that typically takes place in the last week of the school year.