The Panyaden Profile


Whereas traditional educational approaches tend to put focus on material goals and on developing essential cognitive skills, the Buddhist view is that to be complete, education must also focus on inner values, on the workings of the mind and emotions. A "holistic" education in the Buddhist sense refers to the 4 Bhavana or four areas of development. Two of these relate to one’s interaction with the external world and the other two to one’s internal qualities. By helping students reach their potential in both these spheres and across all four areas, we believe that we are providing them with the best possible education.

All students will be given the opportunity to reflect on these four areas of development four times per school year. The students reflections will be part of their digital growth portfolio.

1. Kaya Bhavana: Development of one’s relationship to the physical world

This entails learning about the physical world in which we live and developing a wise and balanced relationship with it, starting from one’s own body.

  • A healthy relationship with the body

  • Understanding basic physical needs (food, shelter, clothing and medicine)

  • Responsible use of possessions, money, tools and technology

  • Responsibility towards the natural environment

Curriculum Relevance: Nutrition, physical exercise, sports, biology, time management, geography, environmental studies and life skills

2. Sila Bhavana: Social and ethical development

This area entails developing a wise and balanced relationship with the social world. It includes teaching the foundations of Buddhist morality as a scheme for living together wisely with trust, integrity and social responsibility.

  • Not harming others

  • Right speech (speaking truthfully, agreeably and appropriately)

  • Acting with integrity

  • Responsibility for one’s own learning and development

  • Responsibility towards family members, towards a place of work/study and society

Curriculum Relevance: Language and communication skills, social studies, performing arts, history and community and service

3. Citta Bhavana: Development of the mind and emotions

This means developing skilful ways of dealing with negative emotions and cultivating and maintaining positive ones.

  • Emotional balance

  • Love for learning

  • Patience, effort and resilience

  • Concentration and mindfulness

  • Kindness and compassion

Curriculum Relevance: Meditation, 12 Wise Habits activities, life skills, art, community service and daily classroom experiences

4. Panya Bhavana: Development of the intellect and wisdom

This entails training the mind to think with reason and without bias, to think creatively, and constructively and to be able to reflect on the experience and learn from it.

  • Right understanding (of right and wrong, of what has value and what does not)

  • Right intention (making decisions based on good intentions: logical, beneficial, practical)

  • Development of wisdom at three levels: (reading and listening, creative thinking, and learning from experience)

Curriculum Relevance: Mathematics, science, linguistics, art and design, and all forms of decision-making, critical thinking and creativity

These four types of development carried to the highest level result in enlightenment – the attainment of ultimate peace, wisdom and compassion. Panyaden International School strives to create an atmosphere, a learning environment and a curriculum which are in harmony with the Buddhist path to enlightenment but adapted appropriately to the needs and capacity of students. To guide them along the way, we have created the Panyaden Profile that reminds us of the milestones pertaining to each area of development.

Over the course of their study at Panyaden International School, students gradually build an increasingly deeper understanding of these statements. This understanding characterizes our graduating students and is the foundation for moral conduct, healthy relationships and strength of character. The 12 Wise Habits are the daily tools used to guide everyone’s progress. Our desire is to have the school community as a whole, including students, staff, and parents, reflecting on the profile and working together to develop in each of the four Bhavana. As part of the advisory programme, students will regularly reflect and discuss their progress in each of the four Bhavana and will document this in their digital growth portfolios.

Over the course of their study at Panyaden International School, students gradually build an increasingly deeper understanding of 4 Bhavana. This understanding characterizes our graduating students and is the foundation for moral conduct, healthy relationships and strength of character. The 12 Wise Habits are the daily tools used to guide everyone’s progress.