


  • Improves student learning

Assessment is an integral part of the instructional process and crucial for helping students learn.

  • Recognizes learning differences

Learning is a complex process that is multi‐dimensional, integrated and revealed in student performance over time. Students learn differently and at different paces and are assessed in ways that show their learning in the best light).

  • Measures what is truly valued

Assessment is based on a vision of the kinds of learning we value most and how students might best achieve these.

  • Is valid

Assessment tools and processes are aligned to standards and directly measure what they are intended to measure.

  • Is fair and ethical

Assessment is based on clear statements of purpose, standards and criteria against which success will be measured. Students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. Assessments are non‐discriminatory, culturally appropriate and allow for diversity in learning styles.

  • Is efficient and feasible

Assessment tasks are clear, appropriate and well structured. They are achievable in a reasonable time frame mainly within the classroom. They are designed to allow teachers to give timely feedback to students. promotes learner self‐reliance. Student involvement in the nature and timing of assessment tasks

  • Promotes self‐reliance

There are ample opportunities for students to monitor their learning through self‐assessment.

  • Is authentic and contextual

Assessments encourage students to engage in the thoughtful application of knowledge and skills to real issues and problems.


The primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning by:

  • Giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning, experience success and increase self‐reliance by understanding their own progress, setting realistic goals and planning the next stages of their learning.

  • Enabling teachers to: determine degrees of prior knowledge before starting new learning; ascertain degrees of understanding at various stages of the learning process; identify and support learning differences and learning styles and monitor and modify teaching strategies and content.

  • Providing parents with the opportunity to be partners in the learning process and information for them to assist their child in planning for the future, both immediate and long term.

  • Providing curriculum leaders with the data necessary for effective curriculum evaluation and revision.

  • Providing other learning institutions with the data necessary for admissions and grade/year placement decisions and accurate information on what the child knows and is able to do, including strengths and areas needing support.


“The primary purpose for grading should be to communicate with students and parents about the student’s achievement of learning goals.” - Ken O’Connor

At Panyaden, we believe that grades should reflect the level of understanding and achievement towards identified standards and be determined through criterion referencing. We believe that student behaviours (effort, participation, adherence to class rules, etc.) should be reported separately. Therefore, the Panyaden report consists of two separate grading categories.