Cultural and Religious Days

Cultural and Religious Days

We celebrate all major Thai and Buddhist festivals and events. All festival and event days are marked on the school calendar.

Cultural Expectations

Students are expected to respect local customs and culture and we ask families who are new to Thailand to support their children in learning these new habits. Students will be expected to greet and thank their teachers with a "wai" every day and to follow other Thai social norms which they will learn during their time at school.

All students are expected to stand around the national flag during the Thai national anthem. Staff, students and waiting parents are expected to stand still and quietly for the duration of the anthem.

All students will join assemblies on assigned days and are expected to follow the school rituals, which include chanting, singing and paying respect to the Triple Gem by bowing.

Being Environmentally Mindful

Panyaden International School is committed to reducing the unnecessary exploitation of natural resources, to recycling waste and reducing our carbon footprint. The school will encourage such environmental mindfulness amongst all its staff, students, parents and the local community. The school itself is constructed from renewable natural resources and re-used wood and glass.