Show at a Glance: A Play Where Nothing Happens

Written by Maizy Broderick Scarpa

Directed by Kayla Elfers


By Maizy Broderick Scarpa


February 24-27, 2022

Tyler Lab Theatre, Oswego


Maura – Natalie Griffin

Anna – Claire Bosley

Pete – Kieran McCormack

Jack – Anastasia West


Director - Kayla Elfers

Assistant Director - Jennifer Saint Fleur

Directing Mentor - Steven Mazzoccone

Dramaturgy Mentor - Toby Malone

Dramaturgy Team - Rachel Monson, Ryan Ricketts, James Hough, Kuvar Bhatnagar, Chloe Hill, Maria Przepiora, Tessa Uline

Production Manager - Cole Sostak

Stage Manager - Sabrina Taylor

Assistant Stage Manager - Emersynn Mousaw

Scenic Designer - Rachel Monson

Lighting Designer - Philip Jones

Sound Designer - TJ Bandla

Associate Sound Designer - Simone Fisher

Costume Designer - Kitty Macey

Makeup and Hair Designer - Kitty Macey

Technical Director - Shannan Rath

Prop Supervisor - Rachel Monson

Production Electrician - Gregory Brewster

Costume Shop Supervisor - Judith Wyman Collette

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the show about?

The summer before leaving for college, Anna and best friend Maura's lives are notoriously void of the iconic adventures they think they should be having. Under a veneer of teenage chatter, they writhe with the existential crises of humans hungry to experience life but still tethered to home and each other.

What kind of play is it?

It is a drama, with weighty conversations about identity and uncertainty for the future.

What's it based on?

This is an original play based loosely on experiences the playwright went through growing up in a small town.

Are there any trigger warnings?

Presentation of gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia.

Is this play suitable for children?

There are mature themes and frank discussions, but there is nothing in this play that would be difficult for pre-teen and teenage children. Younger children may find the subject matter hard to engage with.