How much tea is too much tea?

p 41

Tea! Coffee's tamer cousin! It's easy to make (especially if you're happy with teabags), not so hard on the stomach, and makes you look all refined and British. A cup of tea a couple of times a day? That's healing, soothing, and a good lifestyle choice. The caffeine won't hit you in the same way as coffee, and if you drink it clear it's a good way to trick the body out of hunger. Check out the article to the right for more reasons why tea is the king of hot drinks!


Maura's drinking THREE POTS of tea a day. Uh oh. That's... a lot. Like, way a lot. As the following articles suggest, this can be bad for the health, in part due to the impact of tannins and caffeine (although as one of the article suggests, to overdose on caffeine you would need to drink 250 cups in a day, which is... silly).