Surviving skull trauma

p. 74

Whoa. That's... gnarly.

Hit in the head with a rock, with a giant dent in the skull, yet he survives? That's not... likely, is it?

Actually, yes, it's completely possible. While many people in Mohammed's situation would die instantly with that kind of trauma, the incredible human body has all sorts of natural paddings and defenses against such injuries. With modern medicine, and immediate care, this kind of recovery is entirely possible. Here's the stats:

People who experience mild head injuries can make a full recovery and may not need treatment for their skull fracture to heal.

Moderate or severe head injuries have less favorable outcomes. An estimated 25 percent of people with moderate head injuries will retain some degree of disability.

Between 7 and 10 percent of people with a moderate head injury will remain in a permanent vegetative state or will die as a result of their injuries.

Around 33 percent of people with severe head injuries do not survive. Source

See below for some articles about surviving catastrophic head injury (note: some of the articles feature images that you might not love).