Famous people who dropped out of college

p. 35


After attending Quarry Bank High School, John Lennon went to college at Liverpool School of Art. John eventually dropped out of college. He said that he did this because he wanted to work on his band. Four years after getting married to Cynthia, John met his other future wife Yoko Ono at an exhibition of her art. SOURCE

In the sixties, Joni Mitchell dropped out of the Alberta School of Art in Calgary and moved to Toronto, where she started out as a fledgling singing performer. Even when success came as a folksinger, Joni never forgot her love for making pictures. All throughout her singing career, Joni was responsible for the design of her album covers, often creating a painted self-portrait to grace the front. Even more important was her complete return to the visual creation process after her last album was released in 2007.

According to Marie Claire, Lady Gaga was accepted into the Collaborative Arts Project 21 music school at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts when she was 17 years old. During her studies she lived in an NYU dorm; however, she eventually dropped out of the university during the second semester of her sophomore year to pursue a career in music. Gaga told New York Magazine that "once you learn how to think about art, you can teach yourself," so she left NYU to become a rock star.  SOURCE

So the lesson here? Drop out of school.

Not really.
