Anchovy Allergy

Jack's allergy to anchovies is pretty common! The details of this allergy was covered in the Ask the Dramaturgs section, but in case you want a little more, here you go!

Anchovies are little tiny fish whose primary job in life, it seems, to be eaten by things bigger than it. After the tiny fish are caught (just swim down!) they are gutted and preserved in brine, which gives them their distinctively salty flavor.

Anchovy allergy symptoms can vary drastically in severity. Most commonly, an allergic reaction to anchovies would involve hives surfacing on the skin, a tingling sensation in the mouth, vomit, or diarrhea. Even more concerning but less common symptoms include trouble breathing and/or a blood pressure drop. If you have experienced any of the previously mentioned symptoms, we encourage you to seek professional medical attention as soon as possible. Source

Furthermore, people with a shellfish allergy can struggle with anchovies as they contain a protein that's like the protein in shellfish.