
p. 41

A Problematic Fave

Goldilocks began breaking and entering into our hearts in 1904. She was a part of the heavily revised "The Three Bears" series by Robert Southey, which debuted in 1864. The first version of the British fairy tale was written without her and she was later included to make a story that could offer a moral lesson for children.

Great Value Sparknotes

  • Goldilocks' and the Three Bears is the story young girl who stumbles upon a house in the woods during a stroll.

  • She enters the house and notices there are three of most essentials (beds, cutlery, etc.)

  • She uses all of their things without their consent since they're not home

  • She finds that some of their things suited her and some didn't since they were all different sizes

  • She damages some of their property while making herself at home

  • The three bears suddenly return home and she hides

  • It was all a dream, Goldilocks wakes up to find three bears at the foot of her bed in her home.

  • She jumps out her window to escape the bears