What is a Small Town?

About Small Towns

A Small Town is 5,000 or fewer residents (according to the Census)

Personal Opinion of Someone from the Small Town of Basin, Wyoming

Small-town is a term that means something different to everyone.

Small town to me means:

Knowing everyone in your school's first, middle, and last name

Dating a friend's ex is normal

The Cows have the right of way

The teachers know/taught your parents

Waving at people you drive by is a requirement

Everyone tells your mom EVERYTHING

  • You never get away with being late

Making varsity sports easy peasy lemon squeezy

Town cops pull you over to ask about your family

The High Shcool basketball game is a mandatory community event

There are about 10 registered sex offenders living in town

Barbara Anne will tell you EVERYONE else's drama

Want To Live in a Small Town?

You're Certifiably Crazy.

About Basin, Wyoming

Population: 1388 in 2019

Area: 2.39 square miles

# of High School Students: 85 in 2016/17

Graduating class of 2018: 21

Relative Location to "Necessities"

Movie Theatre: 30 min

McDonalds: 30 min

Walmart: 1 hour

Mall: 3 hours out of state (Montana); 3.5 hours in-state