Types of Tea

pg 29

Tea! There's tons of it. Lots of types! Maura has a quite a stash too. Let's dig into these teas...

English Breakfast tea is typically a black tea blend. It's commonly called "breakfast tea" and is popular in England and Ireland. The tea leaves are typically sourced from East Africa, Ceylon, and Assam. Some people add cream and sugar to their tea but, you do you.

Green Tea!

Green tea is made from the camellia sinensis plant. After harvesting, the leaves are either steamed or pan-fired to stop the oxidation process. It contains about half the amount of caffeine black tea has.

Raspberry Zinger is a tea made by Celestial Seasonings. This is what they have to say about it:

"This robust herbal brew gets its aroma and sweet-tart flavor from ripe red raspberries and a blend of tart and fruity hibiscus leaves from around the world. Soothing served warm and refreshing over ice." SOURCE

Then we have mint tea!! This is my favorite tea! Mint tea is essentially just hot water infused with mint leaves.

Lastly, we have chai tea. Chai tea is black tea that has been boiled in a milk and water mixture with aromatic herbs and spices.