Anthropology Sketch


  • Power/ Hierarchy

-Maura’s perspective

-Hierarchy (in regards to most worldly) goes: Jack, Anna, Pete, Maura

-How do you describe Maura’s power in the play?

  • Economic Systems

-Main form of currency-- independence/ freedom

-What does freedom look like for Maura versus the other characters?

  • Borders/ Territories

-Specifics are TBD

-Think Oswego-like: small, pretty, quiet, a downtown area, a more rural area… A basic, boring, humdrum town.

  • Relationships

-Best friend dynamic between Anna and Maura--how do they act that distinguishes their friendship from basic friend activities?

-Pete and Anna -- Why might Pete take a liking to Anna? Why doesn’t she like Pete? Does this make the friendship awkward?

-Jack and Maura… Does Maura look up to Jack? Does Jack admire Maura in a way? How? Why maybe?

-Jack and Anna -- Why is there some distance between them? Does this distance positively impact their characterization?

  • Justice System

-Who makes the rules in this play? Is it Maura or is it the society she lives in?

-Would her society accept her discovering herself--masculine side and all?

  • Religion

-The belief that we grow up right after high school.

-To follow that statement up, why do we believe this, in the play and in general?

-Does this mean Maura is immature for living in her imagination, or does this make her more mature from the rest of the others?

-Silver Linings Playbook and Neutral Milk Hotel -- what do they represent for the characters?

  • Work and Labor

-What is Anna’s job really like?

-Does Anna like her job?

-How about Pete?

-Jack? Is Jack happy with what they do?

-Why doesn’t Maura have a job?

  • Gender and Sex

-What are the gender norms in this play?

-Why does Maura draw a mustache on herself in her room?

-Is Maura uncomfortable in her gender and/ or sexuality?

-How about the other characters?

-Does society accept Jack?

-If society accepts Jack, why can’t Maura accept who she is if society isn’t the problem?