Sarah Wilson

About Sarah

Sarah recently finished her undergraduate degree at Edinburgh Napier University, graduating with distinction in Learning Disability Nursing. Now she is working in an acute mental health ward in Elgin and enjoying the new challenges this has brought. During her studies Sarah learned about health inequalities that people in the UK face every day. She is passionate about equal opportunities for access to safe health care and this enthusiasm carries on to her volunteer work with the ONE Campaign. 

After becoming a youth ambassador with ONE in 2019, Sarah continued to volunteer with the group for another four years. Throughout this time, she has been a part of some incredible movements. 

Sarah first became aware of the ONE Campaign as a teenager through her avid love of her favourite band U2, as Bono is a founding member of ONE. When the opportunity arose to volunteer for ONE at a 2018 Dublin concert she was attending she jumped at the chance. Sarah describes that night as “life changing, the adrenaline of talking to people about something you’re so passionate about is incredible.” The campaign at the time was Poverty Is Sexist, this resonated with Sarah, fueling her as she canvassed the Dublin Quay in the cold rain and spoke to people about what was important to her and to ONE. 


Soon after Sarah received an email from ONE, who were looking for youth ambassadors. Sarah says she has never been more anxious for an interview in her life. She was soon at Edinburgh airport awaiting her first flight to London, where she met fellow YA Adeline. They got to talking and soon became lifelong friends, Adeline recently was a bridesmaid at Sarah’s wedding. 

Campaigns and Activities

Sarah’s time with ONE has been a whirlwind, including meetings with her local MP Ian Murray, and others across Scotland including Mhari Black. Like many, Sarah struggled with working online in 2020 and not being able to connect with her fellow YAs in person, but this did not stop her campaigning. She continued talks with her local MP and even met with singer Katy Perry on her live Instagram stream, discussing ONE and why it is important that we use our voices to make change. She also joined with a champion in Africa and another in America to create a video of voices from across the world in celebration of International Human Solidarity day. Once restrictions lifted Sarah was able to attend COP 26 with fellow Scottish ambassadors and they marched for climate justice through the streets of Glasgow. This movement inspired Sarah to find out more about how global warming impacts the health and economies of people living in the global south and is still a movement that is close to her heart. As a (then student) nurse Sarah was very excited about the Vaccine equity campaign and recognising the barriers that people face internationally in receiving the Covid-19 vaccines. Thrilled to be back at Westminster, Sarah lobbied 5 MPs to write to the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary to urge them to tackle inadequate access to vaccines in low-income countries. Then last year Sarah found herself back where she started in 2019, campaigning for the UK government to commit to the Global Fund to combat AIDS, TB & Malaria.  

Sarah is very excited to now be a Community Leader for Moray.  On the 6th of May Sarah will be walking 6k, with others in her community, and reflecting on the distance that women and children in eastern Africa must walk daily to collect water for their families. This is due to the drought, after a fifth failed rainy season, brought on by climate change. Additionally, these families are impacted by the conflict in their areas brought on by food insecurity and the global cost of living crisis. Sarah is campaigning for the government to increase funding to tackle the hunger crisis in east Africa. 

Why are you volunteering with ONE?

Sarah is very passionate about the ONE Campaign and their message. She is grateful for the opportunities and experiences she has had throughout her time with ONE but mostly amazed at how much she has developed and learned over the past few years. Sarah started out with ONE as a wee shy Scots quine, but now is comfortable tackling the issues that are important to her and discussing them with people who can make change. ONE is important to Sarah because it gives people a voice, and she is forever thankful for the voice ONE gave her. 

Hobbies and Interests

Sarah has a BA in commercial photography, you will likely find her wandering around looking through the lens of her camera. When she is not photographing strange and unusual things, she is spending time with her pet rabbit Tom, or her friends and family. Sarah enjoys gardening and DIY, although admits to not being very good at either yet. She is an unusual cook and will add ingredients often not associated with the dish, her family liken her to Letitia the bad cook in the Vicar of Dibley. 

Sarah (CL) with a group of participants for the 6K walk to campaign for the East Africa Cannot Wait.

Group walking 6k to reflect on the struggles of women in East Africa during the hunger crisis.

Group walking 6k