Ozioma Chukwuma

About Ozioma

Ozioma is passionate about promoting gender equality, especially in postcolonial states. She has a master's in International Relations from the University of East Anglia where she is focused on using the postcolonial feminist theory to critically assess the development and foreign policies of states. She has since worked in the third sector where she consults for clients on gender issues. Her work broadly covers conducting both quantitative and qualitative research using an array of tools like SPSS, NVivo and R for data analysis.

Campaigns and Activities

She is interested in issues relating to climate change and my current research interest is at the intersection of climate change and gender. She participated in the UKYCC training on gender and climate change where we successfully developed a gender toolkit to support organisations in Egypt in mainstreaming gender in their climate actions. She is also a climate ambassador for Climate Outreach UK where she was able to share her research evidence to an academic and non-academic audience. In the past, she engaged in promoting SDGs 4 and 5 in Nigeria through activism in several grassroots movements.

Why do you want to volunteer with ONE?

I joined ONE because of its commitment to ending extreme poverty and preventable diseases. According to the UNDP and UN-Women projections (2022), 388 million women and girls live in poverty globally and 244 million of the 388 million live in sub-Saharan Africa where I was born. Poverty and preventable diseases are not gender neutral however as a result of existing gender inequalities, research has shown that women and girls are at a greater disadvantage. Also, the impact of the climate crisis in several regions has increased poverty with people losing their means of livelihood due to droughts among other climate-related causes. Drought has consequences on the availability of safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) which promotes the spread of diseases. ONE’s campaign allows me to explore the interconnectedness of these issues and provides me with an opportunity to effectively engage my community in taking action while having fun doing what I love and growing my network.

Hobbies and Interests

Traveling, reading and networking