Claudia Possentini

About Claudia

Claudia is working for a customer service enterprise based in USA for the last two years. She also has a long time experience working as a ticket agent living in UK at Heathrow Airport. 

She came from Brazil, from a family of immigrants after the second War World, where issues of inequalities exist, and she knows the most common problem to fight against is poverty. 

Claudia believes to fight against extremely poverty, the world must make sure to get more equality. 

Campaigns and Activities

Claudia started volunteering with the ONE Campaign in 2022 representing the organisation at local campaigns, meeting with and lobbying MPs in the UK to take action on pression issues around food, health and jobs.

She participated in the Global funds campaigns in 2022 and in 2023, she participated in the East Africa Hunger Crisis campaign, taking part in parliamentary day of action to garner support from MPs to deliver on the asks for the campaigns. In addition, she designed and implemented a local action in her constituency to engage local members to take part in the campaign.  After reading 'Anne Frank' with her 12 years old,  and watching 'Live Aid' in 1985, she believed that the World should be equal to fight against wars and injustice in all aspects. 

She believes anyone can be an activist, you just need to start. Sign petition, be involved with charities, and be speak against racism. 

Why are you Volunteering with ONE?

Her first knowledge about ONE was in 2003. The slogan make a Poverty History, remember to be passionate and supportive with the idea. But unfortunately, she didn’t know how could be envolve. Only in 2020 due COVID  she starts to find out more about ONE and start to sign petition and follow through social media’s. 

She believes we are stronger if count as numbers and if we are together we become stronger and connected. ONE is the representative of this ideal. To be part of the campaign makes her feels. engaged with own own ideas and to meet more people that think the same gave her more confidence that we are capable to make changes if we all become  together as one to work for equality.

Hobbies and Interests

Claudia loves music and arts in general and one of her passions is photography and cinema. In the past, she participated in some not for profit projects in Brazil. She believes arts is part of the education to create awareness and uses when designing her local actions. One of her aspirations as a teenager was to work for national geographic, but the life took a different route.