David Michael

About David

David is a Researcher with Adele Murrell's lab at the University of Bath, where he works within a team that broadly investigates biological mechanisms implicated in cancers to provide additional therapeutic targets for improved drug development. David is a Geneticist and Molecular biologist by training with an MSc in Human Molecular Genetics from Imperial College London, where he graduated with distinction. David has won several academic excellence scholarships and awards, including the fully-funded Commonwealth master's scholarship. He is also a member of the Genetics Society UK, the American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB) and the Biochemical Society UK. In line with his career aspirations, he has broad interests in Pharmacogenomics and biomedical science research in Oncology and Cardiometabolic diseases.

Campaigns and Activities

David advocates for sustainable development with a particular focus on SDGs 1, 2 and 3. He currently volunteers with ONE Campaign, UK, as a Community Leader (and Activist), where he led campaigns in the past that helped raise £ 15.7 billion for the 'Global funds' to help curb preventable diseases such as HIV, TB and Malaria in developing countries. Recently, he led an 'East Africa Cannot Wait' (#HungryForAction) campaign to galvanise the international community, particularly the UK Govt, to commit funding to help curb the hunger crisis in East Africa. 

In 2022, he represented ONE Campaign at the annual ONE Young World Summit (#OYW2022). The summit brought together 2000+ of the world’s brightest young leaders, activists, scholars and delegates from 190+ countries and 250+ organisations to discuss some of the challenges confronting the world today to accelerate social impact. Topical issues include ethical leadership, conflict prevention, oceans and climate change, health, and gender equality.

Why are you volunteering with ONE?

ONE gives me such an incredible opportunity to lend my voice for change so that everyone everywhere can lead a life of dignity and opportunity. I am passionate about improving people’s health and well-being through research and activism, and while my career path sets me up to do so through research, ONE on the other hand helps me serve this higher purpose through activism. 

Hobbies and Interest

David is into Biomedical science research, travelling, networking, watching sci-fi movies, and studying. Some of these activities such as networking, he inculcates it in his campaigns to ensure better reach and impact.