Rachel Dallas

About Rachel

Rachel is a recent Cyber Security Msc Graduate with undergraduate degrees in Law and History. Rachel's undergraduate law dissertation highlighted the gender inequality present in the Scottish Criminal Justice System and her History dissertation, completed while studying abroad in the Netherlands, focused on the shared experience of marginalised communities throughout US History. 

Campaigns and Activities

Rachel is passionate about fighting inequality of every kind and started a successful local fundraiser to commission art which highlights racial inequalities in the UK. The Glasgow South Anti-Racism Art Project, secures funding for striking city murals supporting the Black Lives Matter movement and creating displays to increase representation and awareness of systemic issues in our society. 

Not limited to local or personally impactful issues, Rachel is passionate about Global impact and uses her voice to shout about the ONE campaign. Rachel volunteers with ONE campaigning to end extreme poverty, fight gender inequality and food insecurity worldwide. 

Recent accomplishments include commissioning a Mother and Baby mural in partnership with the Amna Birthing Companion Charity and the NHS outside the Glasgow Royal Maternity Unit to raise awareness of the disproportionate impact of maternal mortality on the Black community and attending the UN Women UK forum as a delegate for the Commission on the Status of Women 67.

Why are you volunteering with ONE?

The ONE campaign gives activists a voice and vehicle to enact positive change in their communities.  

Hobbies and Interest

I am passionate about art and its ability to make people appreciate and empathise with the experiences of others, and I enjoy novice poetry writing.