About the Community Leaders Programme

About the programme

The Communities Leaders Programme is a ONE UK led programme, working with leaders in diverse communities in the United Kingdom to engage local communities, stakeholders and lead action programs to drive and influence change. Our goal is for our volunteers to engage local stakeholders, build relationships between communities and their MPs and amplify their influencing efforts to drive change. We have made significant progress towards this goal over the past few months, but we recognize the need for ongoing engagement with our local stakeholders, and communities to drive meaningful change.

ONE Community Leaders are champions for ending poverty and preventable disease in communities across the UK. They empower and mobilise their local communities to advance collective action and drive position change. By working with and for their communities, they drive local awareness and action compelling their MPs and through them the UK government to take action on ONE’s issues.  


Programme Pillars

Campaign priorities: these will be influenced through our partners and organisational thematic campaigns like food insecurities, health, climate change etc. The asks for these campaigns will be developed and shared with our leaders and these asks will be incorporated into the local actions taken. 

Local relationships and actions: our leaders will link with their local communities and stakeholders to raise awareness around these issues, build and sustain relationships with the stakeholders and action events to drive engagement and campaign ownership. Our leader’s local actions must link with campaign priorities. 

Collaborative Implementation: The programme will adopt a collaborative approach towards all our activities leveraging co-creation and design elements. We will leverage the skills, influence and capacity of local communities, stakeholders, ONE team and leaders to increase engagement and push pressure on the government. Co-creation will characterise our approach as leaders will be able to brand actions as their own, ensuring consistent messaging and tone of voice and relationship building within their communities.

Volunteers participating in an action event to mobilise support for the East Africa Hunger Crisis Campaign.

Some of our leaders/YAs at an event with MPs.

Our leaders; Ojonugwa and Leo presented the petitions signed by our supporters to FCDO.

Our leaders co-designing ideas for local events during the residential workshop.

A cross-section of some of our leaders brainstorming ideas for campaigns around food insecurity.

A leader; David represented ONE during an external programme.
