Leo Rocha

About Leo

Leo is a manufacturing engineer and currently works as Production Manager for an Aerospace company in England. 


Leo is passionate about fighting poverty, inequality and also for making justice. He started his journey on fighting for a better world back in Brazil where he was born. Leo connected with  ONE Campaign in 2005 still in Brazil, shortly before life brought him to the UK where he would become an active citizen and started volunteering with the ONE campaign, representing the organisation in many campaigns, political hustings, meeting with and lobbying MPs at the UK and European Parliaments. 

Campaigns and Activities

In 2009, after watching a documentary on Channel 4 – Dispatches about a new phenomenon of killing of stigmatised children in Africa, Leo got together with a few friends and went on a “holiday” to the Niger Delta - Nigeria to start an educational project and try to stop this phenomenon. After finding a scenario even more alarming than the documentary was capable to cover, Leo built and trained a team of natives and founded a rescue mission called “Way to the Nations (WN)” that he still directs on his spare time. In the past 13 years WN has rescued more than 60 children and assisted dozens of others, taking them from “the valley of death” to university. Leo has a passion for child protection in Africa and has engaged with UN in the matter, attended to conferences at the UN headquarters in Geneva, and  contributed to tackle issues with his field experience in Africa.

Why are you volunteering with ONE?

Because our vision and mission is the same ONE and the synergy of my efforts with other people on the same cause will render a lot more achievements. I am proud to be volunteer of ONE for over 17 years. I was part of the first Youth Ambassador team and now a community leader, and despite the incredibly busy life I Iive today I want to keep it going as what we are doing together if surely for a greater good.

Hobbies and Interests

I am a man of many passions. J love spending time with my two little ones – Leon (11y) and Layla (10y); Love literature, music, art, food, wine and writing (have poems published in 10 anthologies in Brazil); love playing football and road cycling. Once a year I do a bike challenge to raise funds, generally to pay the rent of our orphanage in Nigeria. My toughest challenge was the ‘chasing the sun’ ride, 328km in a day, England’s east coast to west coast.