Bordenball is back!

Following the cohort rules of Covid, Bordenball is alive and well at Churchill! 

This year Cathy, Ray and Heather have made Bordenball happen again. Classes are divided into teams and play a round robin style of game - each class plays during lunch one day per week. 

The staff brought Bordenball back to help students find a feeling of pre-Covid normalcy and to have some fun outside of the classroom. Intramural sports have been a strong tradition at Churchill and are something the students have truly missed. Bringing Bordenball back, in way that is in line with Covid requirements, has rejuvenated the students' spirits. 

And, as shared by one student: “I feel like Churchill is back!!!!!”

Learn more about Bordenball and its importance to Churchill in our Blog post "Bordenball @ Churchill: Everyone Gets to Play!"

Published: December 2022

Tags: confidence, Cooperation and teamwork