Yarn Club:
Popular at Churchill!

On Wednesdays you will find a lineup at the door to the library, made up of young fibre enthusiasts! Within a few minutes, everyone has yarn in hand, with dreams of what they want to create. 

We have keen needle knitters, curious crocheters, prolific pom-pom makers, and focused finger-knitters. Some students have the basics down, and will quietly enjoy working on a project. Others arrive, proudly announcing “It’s my first time at Yarn Club!” and they quickly find friends who are excited to show them the ropes. 

The kids are so patient and reassuring to one another, sharing tools and words of encouragement as they figure this out together! 

The club is run by a few Churchill parents (Julie, Christa, and Caitlin) who offer technical guidance, and Stacey, who adamantly declares she does not knit!- but kindly facilitates the group each week.