Bake-Along with the Yetis

Last Friday, students on Team Yeti (in Tiiu's grade 5 class) got together to bake cookies. The recipe was chosen by Tiiu and Ben. They had both made the recipe before and thought the cookies were delicious. 

Ben made some changes to the recipe after some experimenting. Everyone got their ingredients and tools ready before getting on the Meet. Ben led us through the steps which included separating eggs and browning butter. Tiiu watched us on the Meet and answered questions as students typed them in the chat or shouted them out. 

Some of us baked with parents and some of us did most of it on our own. The good news was that nobody burned their kitchen down and the even better news was that the cookies were delicious. The only minor incident happened when a student left the Meet and Tiiu had to virtually chase a younger sibling away from eating the cooling cookies. 

It was interesting to see the different results even though we all followed the same recipe. Most of us ended up with massive flat cookies while some of the cookies were puffy. We all had a delicious time. 

Check out the recipe - Bon Appetit's Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

The goal of the event was to have fun and to eat something delicious while trying out a new skill. It was a nice change from the regular distance learning Meets.

Date Posted: June 13, 2020

Tags: relationships, Student-directed learning