Self Care

©Educator Pyramid.pdf

Let's check in: how are you taking care of yourself lately? Are there any needs that are not being met or may need your attention?

Graphic created by Dr. Lori Desautels, Butler University. Revelations in Education.

Educator Brain State eBook ©.pdf

This guide of regulation strategies was created by the 2019-2020 cohort of the Applied Educational Neuroscience certification at Butler University. There is a variety of strategies and options to choose from; choose one that aligns with a current need that is not being met, or one that sounds soothing to your nervous system.

Pursing your lips on the exhale forces the air to come out more slowly, which then causes you to breathe in more deeply when you inhale. 

Source: Dr. Lori Desautels, Revelations in Education

Practice_Skills_Class_Two (1).pdf

Use these two practices to spend some time with yourself. 

Practice_Skills_Class_Three_1_ (2).pdf

Source for both: Somatopia. Camara Meri Rajabari, LMFT