Autism & Behavior

Underlying characteristics of autism include:

All of these underlying characteristics can influence an individual's behavior (and our perspective of it). It is important to understand how these differences play a role in how a person interacts with the world around them.

When seeking to understand an autistic person's behavior, it is important to understand where the behavior may be coming from, what adaptive purpose that behavior may have to the individual, and whether or not this is a behavior that needs to be prioritized or if WE are the individuals who need to shift our mindset and perspective about a specific behavior. 

Source: Aspy, R., Grossman, B. G., & Mesibov, G. B. (2022). The Ziggurat Model: A Framework for Designing Comprehensive Strategies and Supports for Autistic Individuals (Rel. 2.1 [4th edition]). Ziggurat Group.

Autistic Neurotype

Here is a personal blog written by Judy Endow, autistic clinical social worker, author, and international speaker, on the importance of kindness and empathy in understanding autistic individuals' behavior:

Supporting Neurodiverse Learners through the Lens of AEN